

How to cite: Djokić, V., Simić, D., Nikezić, A., Milojević, M., Ristić Trajković, J., Krstić, V., Šošević, U., Pešić, M., Janković, S., Cvetković, N., Milovanović, A. (2024) (Eds). SPATTERN Review of Methodological Approaches. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. ISBN-978-86-7924-353-9


How to cite: Djokić, V., Simić, D., Nikezić, A., Milojević, M., Ristić Trajković, J., Krstić, V., Šošević, U., Pešić, M., Janković, S., Cvetković, N., Milovanović, A. (2024) (Eds). SPATTERN Database of Spa Settlements in Serbia. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. ISBN-978-86-7924-364-5


How to cite: Djokić, V., Simić, D., Nikezić, A., Milojević, M., Ristić Trajković, J., Krstić, V., Šošević, U., Pešić, M., Janković, S., Cvetković, N., Milovanović, A. (2024) (Eds). SPATTERN Study: Questionnaire for the State-of-the-art. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. ISBN-978-86-7924-365-2

Journal Articles

Synergies Between Land Use/Land Cover Mapping and Urban Morphology: A Review of Advances and Methodologies


Land, IF=3.2, CiteScore=4.9


This study aims to bridge the fields of urban morphology and land use/land cover (LULC) mapping through a systematic analysis of their integration in recent research. The research employs systematic literature review (SLR) methodology combining quantitative and qualitative methods through four methodological steps: data search, data selection, data analysis, and data clustering. The analysis performed three distinct clustering patterns: (1) methods and tools, (2) data types, and (3) urban morphology aspects. The results reveal five distinct methodological approaches—Data-Driven Typological Decoding Approach, Quantitative Structural Metrics Approach, Predictive Spatiotemporal Transition Approach, Temporal Change Detection and Performance Approach, and Spatial Configuration and Density Analysis Approach—each contributing unique insights to urban form analysis. The findings demonstrate the multidimensional nature of urban form analysis, incorporating both social and temporal dimensions, while highlighting the essential role of change detection in understanding urban pattern evolution. This systematic review establishes a comprehensive framework for understanding the relationship between urban morphology and LULC mapping, providing valuable insights for future research integration.




How to cite: Milovanović, A., Cvetković, N., Šošević, U., Janković, S., & Pešić, M. (2024). Synergies Between Land Use/Land Cover Mapping and Urban Morphology: A Review of Advances and Methodologies. Land, 13(12), 2205. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13122205


The 31st Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form

Where: Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, Brazil. When: 16 - 20 Sep 2024.

Prompting Urban Morphology: Testing the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Decoding Urban Patterns of Spa Settlements

The article addresses the notion of emerging artificial intelligence-based practices and tools for research of urban form and decoding of urban patterns. The main objective of the research is to investigate the application of artificial intelligence in searching for health promoting urban patterns (HPUP) within the observatory framework of spa settlements in Serbia through questioning: (1) what are the main morphological features of HPUP, and (2) what are the ways of visualizing them? To address research questions, the research engages generative artificial intelligence program and service Midjourney which generates images from natural language descriptions (prompts) following three steps: (1) prompts definition – structuring the criteria matrix for HPUP definition, (2) images generation – variation and modification of generated images, and (3) evaluation – critical analysis of generated images through reflecting on initially defined prompts. The main findings of the research are two-fold: (1) criteria matrix for HPUP definition and urban patterns prompting, and (2) classified and visualized HPUP for spa settlements. This research is implemented in a framework of scientific project SPATTERN (’’Future Heritage of Spa Settlements Digital Platform for Advancing Knowledge and Innovation in Urban Morphology Approach for Environmentally-Sensitive Development in Serbia’’) funded by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, and tends to enable both identification and classification of locally specific HPUP (elements and relations) important for enhancing environmental sensitivity at all spatial levels (from landscapes to details) within spa settlements in Serbia, and development of methodological approaches for processing and visualizing these urban patterns towards affirmation of cultures of healthy living.


How to cite: In print.

The 12th International Multimedia Event ON ARCHITECTURE

Where: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia. When: 5–6 December 2024.

A Dictionary-Driven Review of Digital Methods and Tools for Urban Patterns Decoding: SPATTERN Perspectives

The study explores the emerging intersection of urban morphology and digital technologies, focusing on the methods and tools employed to analyze and interpret urban patterns. With rapid urbanization and the resultant complex urban forms, understanding these patterns is crucial for sustainable city planning and design. This contribution presents the findings from the initial deliverable of the SPATTERN project which aims to advance environmentally sensitive urban development of spa settlements in Serbia through the affirmation of twin transition. First SPATTERN deliverable provides a comprehensive review of existing methodological approaches by synthesizing insights from an extensive literature review and content analysis, alongside showcasing relevant tools and methods. The research is performed through systematic literature review combined with the visualization of bibliometric networks and dictionary design and development through 4-cycle research protocol: (1) data search and selection, (2) data clustering and co-occurrence, (3) dictionary development, and (4) factsheets analysis. The review encompasses an extensive analysis of selected terms (keywords) highlighting how digital tools facilitate the collection, visualization, and analysis of urban data. Moreover, the review addresses the challenges and limitations associated with these methods, such as data quality, integration issues, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. This dictionary not only standardizes the terminology but also provides a conceptual map for researchers and practitioners navigating the complex nature of urban pattern analysis. By bridging the gap between traditional approaches for urban analysis and cutting-edge digital approaches, the findings advocate for a more informed and systematic use of digital tools and methods in urban morphology, thus promoting more resilient and adaptable urban environments.

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View Proceedings

How to cite: Milovanović, A., Pešić, M., Šošević, U., Cvetković, N., Janković, S. (2024). In: Božović, R. (Ed). ON Archtecture - Shaping the City through Architecture Proceedings. STRAND: Sustainable Urban Society Associaton, Belgrade. pp. 149-157. ISBN 978-86-89111-38-5

The 19th International Symposium SymOrg

Where: Zlatibor, Serbia. When: 12–15 June 2024.

Modern Tools for Digital Visualization of Built Environments

This paper investigates the role of digital visualization tools in improving the design and construction processes within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. It examines a spectrum of advanced technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 3D Modeling and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), along with immersive technologies like Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). These tools can be used separately or jointly in order to provide detailed visual representations and interactive simulations of built environments. Such representations and simulations can then support stakeholders with information needed for improved decision making and project efficiency. Having in mind different use cases of tools for digital visualization, the paper presents various technologies and specific tools used in urban planning, architecture design and development of built environments. The aim is to emphasize the impact of these digital tools in visualizing and shaping future built environments, at the same time encouraging their wider adoption in the industry.

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How to cite: Šošević, U., Cvetković, N., Simić D. (2024). Modern Tools for Digital Visualization of Built Environments. In: M. Kostić Stanković, I. Mijatović, J. Krivokapić (Eds)., Unlocking the hidden potentials of organization through merging of humans and digitals: symposium proceedings / XIX International symposium SymOrg 2024, Zlatibor, June 12-15, 2024 (hybrid). Belgrade : University, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. (p. 104-110)

The 3rd Scientific Conference on Urban Security and Urban Development

Where: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia. When: 1 July 2024.

Conceptual Framework for Mapping of Urban Patterns in Spa Settlements in Serbia: SPATTERN Project

Spa settlements in Serbia, known for their natural healing springs and rich cultural heritage, represent unique urban structures that require special attention during planning process and urban development. This contribution presents a conceptual framework for mapping urban patterns in these specific environments, using modern technologies and digital methods and it introduces context of the scientific project SPATTERN (Future Heritage of Spa Settlements: Digital Platform for Advancing Knowledge and Innovation in Urban Morphology Approach for Environmentally Sensitive Development in Serbia) which is realized in the period from 2023-2026 within the PRISM program of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. The overarching objective of the study is to identify the key factors that influence the urban development of spa settlements (12 role models and 26 replicators of spa settlements) through decoding and mapping of urban patterns, understanding of geographic location, historical development, socio economic conditions, and environmental factors. The proposed framework integrates multi-layered data, including the planning and strategic framework, archival material, previous research, and field research records to create a comprehensive digital database. This database will enable a detailed analysis of current urban patterns and the identification of potential development directions, i.e. anticipation of development. The project aims to illuminate the operational capacity of digital mapping to identify and visualize complex urban patterns, facilitating informed decision-making in the planning process. Also, the proposed framework could serve as a tool for monitoring changes in urban space, enabling a timely reaction to possible negative trends, as well as the protection of the environment and heritage. The proposed conceptual framework could also serve as a model for similar studies in other regions, contributing to sustainable urban development and improving the quality of life in these specific environments.

View Book of Abstracts

How to cite: Janković, S., Pešić, M., Milovanović, A., Cvetković, N., Šošević, U. (2024). Conceptual Framework for Mapping of Urban Patterns in Spa Settlements in Serbia: SPATTERN Project. In: Marić, J., Marković, J. (Eds). Third Scientific Conference Urban Security and Urban Development - Book of Abstracts. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Security. pp. 50-51. ISBN 978-86-80144-65-8

The 28th International Conference Serbian Language, Literature, Arts

Where: University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia. When: 25-26 Oct 2024.

Research Perspectives of Spa Settlements - Urban Patterns and Heritage

This paper provides an insight into the research perspectives of spa settlements as specific urban entities in which natural resources, the built environment, health and tourism activities are intertwined. The goal of this research is to identify, through a systematic literature review, key aspects of the analysis and understanding of urban patterns of spa settlements in order to contribute to their sustainable development and heritage preservation. The research includes three phases: (1) data collection and definition of the initial sample of literature (by searching the Scopus database), (2) analysis of the content of the identified sample and creation of thematic clusters (using VOSviewer software) and (3) definition of urban patterns of spa settlements in relation to scale and urban growth. Research results indicate that these patterns are shaped by historical, cultural, ecological and economic factors that together contribute to the unique character of spa settlements, enabling a balance between heritage preservation and contemporary needs for a functional and sustainable urban space.

View Book of Abstracts

How to cite: Pešić, M., Milovanović, A. (2024). Research perspectives of spa settlements - urban patterns and heritage. In: 


The 12th International Exhibition ON ARCHITECTURE

Where: Gallery of Science and Technology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. When: 4–18 Dec 2024.


SPATTERN Insights: Beyond State-of-the-Art for Environmentally Sensitive Development of Spa Settlements in Serbia

Contribution provides insights from the first phase of the Scientific Project SPATTERN (spattern.org) which tends to develop digitally enabled research infrastructure for affirmation and interpretation of urban patterns within spa settlements in Serbia from perspective of urban morphology. In order to provide insight into the results of the project’s first phase, three research outputs will be presented: (1) Review – dictionary-driven review of digital methods and tools for urban patterns decoding, (2) Database – systematized data for 12 Role Models of spa settlements in Serbia (planning framework, strategic framework, previous studies, archival material, and photo database), and (3) Inquiry – overview on concept, methodology and results of the conducted questionnaires.



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