The research is organized in 6 work packages based on Typo-morphology studies, Contextualize and Historical-Interpretative studies supported by Unified Software Development Process. SPATTERN will contribute with the Digital Platform and Atlas of environmentally-sensitive urban patterns derived from 12 Role Models of spa settlements along with the anticipation of environmentally-sensitive transformation of 26 Replicators spa settlements.

Work Package 1
Beyond State-of-the-Art for Enhancing Urban Morphology Approach towards Environmentally-Sensitive Development
D1.1. Review of methodological approaches
The SPATTERN project Deliverable 1.1 offers a comprehensive review of methodological approaches by synthesizing insights from a literature review and content analysis of previous research, as well as examples of tools and methods.
The D1.1 consists of two parts:
PART 1 - Presented in the form of a dictionary delineates four clusters of methodological approaches that bridge urban morphology (UM) and information technology (IT).
PART 2 - Presented in the form of a factsheets introduces examples of prominent tools and methods related to the analysis, simulation, and visualization of urban patterns.
This publication serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to understand the intersection of UM and IT and provides a roadmap for further exploration and application in urban development and planning contexts.
D1.2. Database of spa settlements
The SPATTERN project Deliverable 1.2 includes systematized review of collected data for 12 Role Models and 26 Replicators of spa settlements in Serbia with evaluation on availability and validity for further research for 5 types of data: planning framework, strategic framework, previous studies, archival material, and photo database.
The D1.2 consists of two parts:
PART 1 - ROLE MODELS Review, and
The publication provides a comparative insight into the development of the regulatory framework for planning of spa settlements, as well as insight into the relevance and coverage of topics within the previous studies where spa settlements in Serbia are addressed as case studies.
D1.3. Results of Questionnaire for the state of the art: Study of the local needs
Deliverable 1.3 presents a comprehensive overview of the concept, methodology, and results derived from the expert questionnaire. Designed to gather insights from eight respondent groups, with a minimum of three respondents per spa, the questionnaire successfully collected 141 valid responses. The study targeted 38 spa settlements, categorized into 12 Role Models and 26 Replicators.
The deliverable is structured into five key sections, mirroring the organization of the questionnaire:
PART 1 - Respondents background,
PART 2 - Functions and decision-making,
PART 3 - Development capacities,
PART 4 - Planning and strategic framework,
PART 5 - Digital technologies and planning.
The publication provides the insight on three levels: insights for Role Models, insights for Replicators, and Synthesis insights in line with the main aspect of the analysis. Deliverable 1.3 provides valuable knowledge for understanding and advancing the planning and development of spa settlements in line with strategic and digital innovation goals.
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Work Package 2
Typo-morphological Study of Urban Patterns within Spa Settlements
D2.1. Scientific monograph Contextual study of Role Models of spa settlements in Serbia from the aspect of environmental sensitivity
Scientific monograph will include 12 chapters for the analyzed Role Models of spa settlements. Each chapter will include a review of the analysis of data collected within WP1, and a series of maps, 3D models, and spatial diagrams to illustrate the morphogenesis for each settlement.
D2.2. Report summarizing Typological classification of Urban Patterns
Report will be in a form of review that will include 2 chapters: (1) an explanation of the criterion setting showing the established criteria matrix, and (2) a catalog of types of HP urban patterns with an explanation of individual criteria, and showing accompanying maps, 3D models, 2D
drawings and spatial diagrams.
Work Package 3
Development of the Atlas of Urban Patterns of Spa Settlements
D3.1. Report summarizing realization of Workshop
Report will provide overview on concept, methodology and results of the organized Workshop.
D3.2. Scientific monograph Atlas of urban patterns within spa settlements in Serbia
Scientific monograph will include 2 parts, one for the Role Models and one for Replicators of spa settlements. Each chapter will include a review of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and a series of maps, 3D models, and spatial diagrams to illustrate the anticipation of environmentally- sensitive transformation and sustainable land use for each settlement.
Work Package 4
Design and Development of the Digital Platform of Urban Patterns
D4.1. Database with georeferenced spatial data
Deliverable will include systematized review of georeferenced spatial data for spa settlements with use case diagrams, conceptual diagrams, package diagrams and activity diagrams.
D4.2. Report summarizing Training for local professionals and User Experience
Report will provide overview on concept, methodology and results of the organized Training with evaluation of user experience and feedback for final upgrade of digital platform.
D4.3. Digital Platform: Specification
Deliverable will be prepared in a form of specification providing insights on (a) digital platform environment, (b) digital platform tools, and (c) possibilities of its implementation in the practice of urban planning, urban design and architecture.
Work Package 5
Project Management and Coordination
D5.1. Initial Quality Control and Response (QCR) plan
The initial QCR document will describe the factors that could pose a potential risk for the implementation of SPATTERN project activities including procedures, methodologies and performance indicators on both external and internal level. This plan also will define the estimated impact of the risks and the means of mitigating them. The structure of this report will consist of a general overview on the risk management of the SPATTERN project as a whole, as well as a more detailed description of risk management on a WP level.
D5.2. First Year Management and Implementation Report, and Updated QCR plan
The deliverable will report on the management and implementation of SPATTERN activities within the first twelve months of the project and will contain the updated QCR plan for the second year. It will present an overall assessment of the success of time management, budget management, risk management and data management, including necessary revisions reports in detail on all relevant management tasks in the first year; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial QCR plan, and finally outlines detailed plans for the next 12 months and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this period.
D5.3. Second Year Management and Implementation Report, and Updated QCR plan
The deliverable will report on the management and implementation of SPATTERN activities within the second twelve months of the project and will contain the updated QCR plan for the third year. It will present an overall assessment of the success of time management, budget management, risk management and data management, including necessary revisions reports in detail on all relevant management tasks in the
second year; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial and updated QCR plan, and finally outlines detailed plans for the final year and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this period.
D5.4. Final Management and Implementation Report
The deliverable will report on the management and implementation of SPATTERN activities within the third twelve months of the project and overall review of SPATTERN management and implementation. It will present an overall assessment of the success of time management, budget management, risk management and data management, both for the third year and overall lifetime of project; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial and updated QCR plan.
Work Package 6
Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation
D6.1. Initial Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (CDE) Plan
The deliverable will present the initial communication and dissemination strategy for SPATTERN, as well as a detailed plan of action for months 1 to 15. This plan will include procedures, methodologies and performance indicators on both external and internal level to ensure that project communications are to the information needs of the public.
D6.2. First Year CDE Report, and Updated CDE Plan
The deliverable will report on the implementation of this plan during the first twelve months of the project and will contain the planning of communication and dissemination activities for the second year. It will present an overall assessment of the success of communication and dissemination strategy, including necessary revisions reports in detail on all relevant dissemination and communication tasks in the first year; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial plan, and finally outlines detailed plans for the next 12 months and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this period.
D6.3. Second Year CDE Report, and Updated CDE Plan
The deliverable will report on the implementation of this plan during the second twelve months of the project and will contain the planning of communication and dissemination activities for the third year. It will present an overall assessment of the success of communication and dissemination strategy, including necessary revisions reports in detail on all relevant dissemination and communication tasks in the second year; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial and first year plan, and finally outlines detailed plans for the final year and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this, risk management and data management, including necessary revisions reports in detail on all relevant management tasks in the
second year; provides a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial and updated QCR plan, and finally outlines detailed plans for the final year and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this period.
D6.4. Final CDE Report
The deliverable will report on the implementation of this plan during the third twelve months of the project and overall review of SPATTERN implementation. It will present an overall assessment of the success of communication and dissemination strategy providing a quantitative assessment of activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial, first year and second year plan, and finally outlining descriptions of
dissemination and communication activities and their implementation.activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial and updated QCR plan.
Research Flow